The University of Manchester Category Theory Group

The Category Theory working group meets weekly, and talks cover various research topics in Category Theory and related areas of mathematics. The meetings are quite informal, with discussion encouraged. This semester, we will be meeting on Fridays at 10:00-12:00 in Alan Turing G.109. If you are interested in attending future meetings or giving a talk, please contact either Nicola Gambino or Bruno Lindan, who organise the meeting.

Here is a record of past talks, as well as a schedule for any future talks.

Spring/ Summer 2025

31.01.2025 Nicola Gambino 'A BV-tensor product for bimodules between symmetric multicategories.'

Autumn/Winter 2024

06.12.2024 Matthew Antrobus 'A walk to Deligne's Conjecture' Abstract
29.11.2024 Nicola Gambino 'Differential Linear Logic'
22.11.2024 Bruno Lindan 'Limit Doctrines part II'
15.11.2024 Bruno Lindan 'Limit Doctrines' Abstract
08.11.2024 Calum Hughes '2-categories with a class of small maps' Abstract
25.10.2024 Raffael Stenzel 'Descent theory Part II'
18.10.2024 Raffael Stenzel 'Descent theory' Abstract
11.10.2024 Giacomo Tendas 'Dense Functors' Abstract
04.10.2024 Adrian Miranda 'Tricategorical Universal Properties Via Enriched Homotopy Theory' Abstract